Planar Slang

THis is a list of Planar slang to give to players. So you don't have to copy it from the Dm's Guide. I hope this helps you.

Addle-Cove: a unfriendly way to call someone an idiot

Bar That: Almost polite way to say shut up

Barmies: Insane folks especially those in sigil

Basher: Nuetral reference to a person usually a thug of Fighter

Berk: a fool

Birdcage: a cell or anything that compares to it

Bleaker: a member of the Bleak Cabal (faction)

Blinds: the dead ends of the mazes, impossible of hopeless situation

Blood: any person who is an expert, it is a mark of high respect of be called a blood

Bob: the business of cheating someone

Bone-box: the mouth

bub: booze

bubber: a drunk

burg: any town smaller than sigil, in size of spirit

cage: The: nickname of sigil

case: the house of a cutter

chaosmen: member of the Xaositiects faction

cipher: Faction nickname for the Transcendent Order

Clueless, The: folks who just don't get it, use it on a planar and your gonna get a fight

Chant, The: the local gossip or news

Cross Trade: The business of thieving or anything else illegal of shady

Cutter: refers to anyone much better than being called a Berk

Dark: secret "what the dark of it?"

Dustmen: a Faction

Fated, The: A Faction

Garnish: a bribe

Bive 'em the laugh: escape of slip through the clutches of someone

Give 'em the Rope: the be hanged only thieves use this term

Godsmen: A Faction

Guvner: A Faction

Harmonium: A Faction

High-up Man: a person with money, power, and influence; a factol is one

Indeps: A Faction

Jink: money

Kip: a place to put up for the night, refers to flop houses

Knight of the post(cross trade): a Thief or cheat

Leafless Tree: the Gallows

Leatherhead: a dolt or dullard

Lost: dead "He got lost"

Lost, The: A faction call the Athar

Mazes, The: The nasty little traps of the lady for her enemies

Mercykillers: A faction

Music: a price a cutter has to pay but doesn't want to

Out-of-Touch: Outside the outer planes, some on on the plane of fire is out of touch

Out-of-Town: used in sigil to describe those not in the city

Peel: a swindle or con

Peery: Suspicious and on ones guard

Pike It: a useful all-purpose phrase, as in "Take a short stick and pike it, bubber"

Put in the Dead-Book: to be killed

Scragged: arrested or caught

Sensates: A faction

Signers: A faction

Sod: an unfortunate of poor soul

Turn Stag: to betray someone or use treachery


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