
Rangers are definitally one of my favorite classes of warriors to play. If it wasn't for the fact that they cannot speciallize in weapons I would play only them and mages (which I play a few of). They have great abilities cool followers and they can fight with two hands and no penalties (that alone makes them cool to play). They speak from the heart and there only draw back is Three prime requisets making it almost impossible to get the 10% bonus to experiance (you would have to have a 16 in strength, dexterity, and wisdom and if you have a character that has that then he is really freaky and way to powerful, unless he has all 4 or 5 in the other stats, then he is just WIERD)


All the Rangers I play seem to become the mediator of the party. Because of their morales they usually reprisent the consious of the party. As stable fighters they are often on the front line kicking @$$ and taking names. With all their abilities they stand on the middle ground between the more extreme factions in a party. They make good peace makers and are always trustworthy. There are a few exceptions to these rules. If you happen to be playing a rowdy human or extremely quiet elf (the races don't really apply but the i have trouble picturing a rowdy & drunk elf) Ranger they might take on different roles, such as "idiot" or "silent guy".


Forgatherings are big parties(meetings) where a large number of Rangers get together to share info and in some cases get extremely drunk. Most occur at the solstices or equnoxes. Most usually invovle at least one major feast and some type of hunt. Depending on the types of Rangers attending the topics can range form philisophical discussions about the meaning of everything to headbutting contests. Lots of trade takes place and it is a great place to pickup supplies and info for an upcoming adventure.


Most Rangers fall into one of 2 catagoies when a fight starts. There are the bowmen who employ a bow with extreme efficency and usually hang back in a fight. There are the down and dirty two-weapon fighters who love to get in there and tear through the opposition. What group a certain ranger falls into usually depends on their ability scores. A higher dex usually results in a bowman and a higher strength usually results in a melee fighter.