


An aasimar is the child of a human and an upper-planar being. They look like beautiful, noble humans, sometimes with a few non-human features (the child of a human and a Leonal Guardinal could have manes, for example).

Any non-evil, usually good.

Allowed Classes
Fighter, paladin, ranger, mage, thief, bard, fighter/priest, fighter/mage, fighter/bard, ranger/mage, ranger/priest, mage/priest, mage/thief, mage/bard and priest/bard.

Modifications to ability scores
Str +1 OR Cha +1, Con -2, Wis +1.

Special benefits and hindrances
Infravision (60-foot range). +1 to surprise checks. Half damage from heat and cold attacks. +2 on saving throws vs. magical charm, fear, emotion or domination effect.
Non-wizard aasimar only: 10% magical resistance.

Planewalker's Handbook, Monstrous Compendium Appendix II

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A bariaur looks like a combination of a man and a ram. It has the legs and the body of a ram, and the torso and head of a man, with a pair of ram's horns on it. Female bariaurs usually don't have horns.

Any non-evil, usually chaotic good.

Allowed classes
Bariaur males can be fighters, rangers, paladins or priests. Females can be fighters, priests or wizards. The maximum level for all these classes is 13.

Modifications to ability scores
Males: Str +1, Dex -1, Con +1, Wis -1.
Females: Str -1, Dex -1, Int +1, Wis +1.

Special benefits and hindrances
Infravision (60-foot range). Movement rate 15. Herbivorous.
Males only: can butt with horns for 1d8 points of damage (tripled when charging at least 30 feet in a straight line; bariaur must make a succesful save vs. breath weapon or suffer the same damage himself); creature attacked is knocked to the ground 50% of the time if size M or smaller.
Females only: +2 on surprise rolls, +3 on saving throws vs. spells.

Campaign Setting, Planewalker's Handbook, Monstrous Compendium Appendix I

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Rogue Modron

A rogue modron usually looks exactly like a normal modron (a quadrone). It even might act like a normal modron, at least according to non-modron standards...

Any lawful.

Allowed classes
Modrons can become fighters or wizards after they have left the modron collective. A modron can be a specialist mage (although not wild mage, of course...).

Modifications to ability scores
Dex -1, Con +1, Int +1, Cha -1.

Special benefits and hindrances
Double normal range of sight. 1 in 3 chance of finding secret doors, 1 in 2 chance of finding concealed doors. 30% resistance to illusions, energy drains, charm, sleep, fear, domination and other similar mind-affecting spells. +1 on saving throws vs. fire, cold and acid. Natural AC 8. Movement rate 15. When surprised, a modron remains surprised for twice as long as any other race would. -1 reaction penalty towards chaotic individuals.

Campaign Setting, Planewalker's Handbook

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The child of a human and a creature from the lower planes, a tiefling usually has one or more non-human features, like small horns, red eyes or a tail. Exactly what features a particular tiefling PC or NPC has, can be randomly determined (Planewalker's Handbook, page 80).

Any, except lawful good. Usually neutral or evil.

Allowed classes
Fighter, ranger, wizard (including specialist), priest, thief, bard, fighter/wizard, fighter/priest, fighter/thief, wizard/thief, priest/thief.

Modifications to ability scores
Str -1, Int +1, Wis -1, Cha +1.

Special benefits and hindrances
Infravision (60-foot range). Create Darkness, 15-foot radius, once a day. Half damage from cold-based attacks, +2 on saving throws vs. fire, electricity or poison. Instead of these abilities, the DM can also choose to randomly determine them (Planewalker's Handbook, page 80). Because of their non-human, usually evil parents, tieflings are looked upon with suspicion by most planers (including other tieflings).

Campaign Setting, Planewalker's Handbook, Monstrous Compendium Appendix I



Githzerai look like long, thin humans, with sharp features and long faces. Their eyes range from grey to yellow.

Any non-lawful, usually chaotic neutral.

Allowed classes
Fighter (9th level maximum), fighter/wizard (9th/12th level maximum, respectively), wizard (12th level maximum), thief (15th level maximum).

Modifications to ability scores
Str -1, Dex +1, Int +1, Wis -1.

Special benefits and hindrances
Infravision (60-foot range). Fighters and thieves (and fighter/wizards, if the player wants to) have a magical resistance of 5% per level (95% maximum).

Campaign Setting, Planewalker's Handbook, Monstrous Compendium Appendix I

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Air Genasi (Wind Dukes)

As a child of a human and a creature from the elemental plane of air, an air genasi looks human with a few "airy" features: light blue skin, a whispering voice, etc.

Any non-lawful.

Allowed classes
Priests, fighters, wizards, fighter/wizards, fighter/priest. The only wizard speciality air genasi are allowed to choose is air elementalism. Air genasi priests must choose a power that has something to do with air.

Modifications to ability scores
Dex +1, Int +1, Wis -1, Cha -1.

Special benefits and hindrances
Do not need to breathe. Can use levitate once a day as 5th-level wizard. +1 on saving throws vs. air-based magic and spells for every five levels of experience.

Planewalker's Handbook

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Earth Genasi (Stone Champions)

As a child of a human and a creature from the elemental plane of earth, an earth genasi looks like a strong human with blocky features, brown skin etc.

Any non-chaotic.

Allowed classes
Priests, fighters, wizards and paladins (extremely rare). The only wizard speciality earth genasi are allowed to choose is earth elementalism. Earth genasi priests must choose a power that has something to do with earth.

Modifications to ability scores
Str +1, Con +1, Wis -1, Cha -1.

Special benefits and hindrances
Natural AC of 8. Innate knowledge of stone (appraising proficiency for gems and the like only). Can use pass without trace once a day as 5th-level priest. +1 on saving throws vs. earth-based magic and spells for every five levels of experience.

Planewalker's Handbook

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Fire Genasi (Flame Lords)

Fire Genasi are the offspring of humans and fire elemental creatures (efreet, fire spirits). They look like humans, but with red or black skin, warm flesh, fiery eyes or something else that reminds one of their non-human parent.


Allowed classes
Fighters, wizards, fighter/wizard. The only wizard speciality a fire genasi can choose is fire elementalism.

Modifications to ability scores
Int +1, Cha -1.

Special benefits and hindrances
Infravision (60-foot range). Suffers no damage from non-magical fire. Can use affect normal fires once a day as 5th-level wizards. +1 on saving throws vs. fire-based magic and spells for every five levels of experience.

Planewalker's Handbook

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Water Genasi

As a child of a human and a creature from the elemental plane of water (nereid, marid), a water genasi is much like an ordinary human, but with blue or green skin, or a thin layer of scales covering his or her body, or something else...

Any at least partially neutral alignment is allowed.

Allowed classes
Priests, fighters, wizards, thieves, bards, fighter/priest, fighter/thief, fighter/bard. The only wizard speciality earth genasi are allowed to choose is water elementalism. Water genasi priests must worship a power that has something to do with water.

Modifications to ability scores
Con +1, Cha -1.

Special benefits and hindrances
Can survive under water. Can create water once a day as 5th-level spellcaster. +1 on saving throws vs. water-based magic and spells for every five levels of experience.

Planewalker's Handbook







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