Nomad Wizard Kit

Requirements: Ability Scores> 15Int, 14wis, Race> any Alignment> cannot have evil in alignment. [chaotic good is okay, neutral evil is not]Barred Schools> divination Favored Schools> invocation/evocation, conjuration/summoning, and abjuration.

Role: Nomad wizards are often outcasts of their former society. It may be because of something as trivial as looks to the type of magic he studies. The Nomad Wizard has no home and they travel the world looking for anything to perk their interests. Some strive for knowledge, some for power, and some other purely for wealth. The histories about the Nomad Wizards say that most were trained by other Nomad wizards if the student had already left his home or by hermits who wanted only for their magic to live on after their death. They cover all types of people there are stories of a Nomad coming into town in order to save the town from a group of orcs. Then the next month another Nomad came through. He was treated like a king because of the good deed his fellow wizard did. That evening the Nomad killed all in the town and took all the possessions for his own.

Most often they serve as traveling sages who go from town to town selling their spells and knowledge.

Weapon Proficiencies: The Nomad Wizard must spend his first weapon proficiency on the quarterstaff or the staff sling. As these weapons can also serve as walking sticks. The Nomad can spend the other proficiencies as they wish.

Non-Weapon Proficiencies: Bonus: none Recommended: spellcraft, herbalism,

Money: nomad wizards receive the regular beginning money, but must purchase boots at the beginning of the game.

Special Benefits: 1. Float: at 3rd level the Nomad Wizard can walk floating up to a foot above any type of solid ground. Basically they float a number of feet above the ground equal to their level minus two. Above water he will fall in a get wet. The Nomad leaves no tracks when floating and will not set of pressure based traps. They can float ANY height between being on the ground and their maximum float height. For every level above the 3rd the Nomad can float one foot higher. Remember that the Nomad is still walking he is just not touching the ground. He will become tired just as quickly but his feet wont be blistered and he will not have wore out his boots. At 6th level the Nomad no longer has to walk while floating he just glides along [for extremely high level Nomads this becomes almost as versatile as a permanent fly spell.]

2 Nomads receive a number of bonuses to saveing throws due to their free spirits. They get +1 to all saves verse: paralyzation, charm spells, petrifacation, and polymorph.

Special Hindrances: 1. They can own only what they can carry or such things as propriety and buildings. [this often results in high level Nomads have 5 and 6 towers they travel between just for the heck of it.]

2. a nomad can build himself a tower at any time, but he can only stay in it a number of weeks per year equal to 2 times his current level [if the nomad is injured and CANNOT leave then the time spent recuperating doesn’t count against the total.]

3. [I can’t think of another hindrance so I leave it up to you the dm]