New Spells

These spells are in no particular order of anykind. Although they are all Wizard spells. Enjoy and I hope you find some use for them.

Avelon's Drain Gain


Level: 8

Duration: Special

Components: S, V

Casting Time: Instantaneous

Range: Touch

Effects: The Drain Gain Drains the life force of another living being (a person, Tree, plant, Monster, ect.) in order to double the power of one spell cast within 1 turn of the casting of Drain Gain. The Spell affected doubles in Area of effect, Damage, and Duration. A role to hit is roled against unwilling mobile targets, and if the hit lands the subject is allowed a saving throw vs. death magic modified by wisdom. It should be known the use of this spell is a evil act. It should also be know it can only affect spells the caster could cast if they were 1/2 their current level (so a 10th level wizard can only cast spells he could cast when he was at 5th level, and the affected spell cannot be cast from a scroll). The spells are cast with the current casting level ( i.e. of a 10th level wizard cast fireball then it would do 10d6 X 2). If for any reason a wizard tries to drain an undead they must make a save vs. death at -2 or be sucked into the neg. energy plane. Also if the gain isn't used on a spell within the turn then the excess energy burst form the wizard who takes 8d4 points of dam save (spell) for half.