The Searvok

A race of humanoid cats, that populate the most extreme parts of nature, desert wastes, arctic tundra, tropical forests, ect. They have a great love of nature surpassing that of many elves. They have developed from five families (species) of giant cats. The Searvok generally have little contact with humans. They serve mainly as protectors of the forest and nature. Often using spells to confuse and turn away-unwanted visitors. But lately there has been an outpouring of young Searvok who are eager for a look outside the forest sanctuaries of their parents.


Tiger: the nobility and royalty of the Searvok. They place a great amount of influence on a honor and appearances. They often adorn themselves with ornaments tied into their hair. They range in color from a deep reddish-orange of the jungle to pure snow white from the arctic north. Both with dark black stripes.

Ability Adjustments: +1 to Strength (or in the case of exception al strength raise it to the next level) and –1 to Wisdom.

Classes: Fighter 16, Ranger 15, Thief 10, Cleric/Crusader/Druid 13

Panther: The wizards and spellcasters of the Searvok. They are shrouded in mystery. They have jet-black fur that has often been bleached into tattoos. Most that work hold advisory positions.

Ability Adjustments: +1 to intelligence and –1 to Charisma

Classes: Mage 16, Cleric/ect. 15, thief 13, fighter 10

Leopard: they make up the middle class of Searvok society. Most work as artisans or serve in the military. They also do the bulk of the sheep herding and the harvesting of the few fruits the Searvok enjoy eating.

Ablility Adj.: none

Classes: any (except paladin or custom human only) all go up to 14

Cheetah: They are the lower class, street urchins and thieves. They are unwelcome in most cities and looked down upon by the other Searvok. Some have overcome the difficulty and currently hold high gov. positions.

Ablity: +1 to dex and –1 to con or strength.

Classes: Thief 16, fighter 12, ranger 12, mage 10

Jaguar: the other family to upholds the middle class. While most of the leopards are farmers and artisans with a small few in the military, the Jaguars are the military of the Searvok. They make of 60% of the Searvok military. The other part of the military is Tigers and a spattering of the other families.
Many Jaguars make a name for themselves as generals although most are Tigers.

Ability: +1 to con or str and –1 to wis or int

Classes: Fighter 16, Ranger 15, Thief 13, Cleric/ect. 13

Race abilities

The Searvok don’t have infravision like elves or dwarves. They use their whiskers to trace air patterns and have extremely wide opening pupils. These combined allow them to see perfectly well in the dark up to 10 ft away no matter how dark (this doesn’t negate dark spells or similar effects). Up to 30 ft away they can make out shapes but not details. Beyond that they are as lost as a human.

The Searvok also have claws and teeth which although much smaller and less deadly than their wild counterparts are still quite useful. Up to 7th level non-warriors can make a bite attack or use their claws. The bite does 1d3 points of dam and the claws do the same. They can use both claws but suffer the penalties of two weapon fighting.

Physical stats.

Age: base 20 + 1d10 Middle 70 (+ the modifier for max age) Venerable 150 (plus mod. For max age) Max 250 +2d100

Height: 5’6"- 8’ for males and 5’ – 7’6" for females

Weight: reasonable for size and bulk.

Speed: same as humans

The Stronghold